Children & Rainbow Nutrition, Positive People and Diversity

I am now 33 weeks pregnant again and as my body tells me to slow down I find myself reflecting. So I am going to focus on what is important to my flow.

I have seen first hand now by giving my little girl the opportunity to eat a variety of real food and different tastes how she has thrived and at the moment is a fantastic eater. Plus I can see when her energy, sleep and general wellbeing is impacted by her environment or what she has consumed. The diversity of food is also important, the Microbione of a child plays such a huge factor in their immune system resilience.

Colour is everything! Did you know one study showed participants drank less from a red labeled cup then from a blue one - plus ate less from a red plate than a blue or white one. This reinforces how we perceive food way be before taste it.

One of the key note speakers Dr Deanna Minich from a conference on child nutrition I attended this weekend says this (I agree).

“What we eat we become, What we think we manifest and What we feel we create”

I have had a number of ups and downs with my mood during this pregnancy as we have had a lot of change in our life over a fairly short period. We now no longer live in London and I feel I lost some of my tribe. So I had to start from scratch to find my village to help manage my personal/work/life balance.

I now realise that understanding I can’t do everything myself is so key. In preparation for the birth of my second baby I reached out to my previous tribe and they helped my get some focus on what is important to me and how I could achieve this. At the moment this is to have a positive supported network and environment to give birth and engage my children in so they can have the best start I can give them. Studies have shown how birth and the first 2 years of a child life has such an impact on their health for a lifetime. Never mind my wellbeing!

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